11 tips for losing weight effectively and sustainably

losing weight

Julie dreams of wearing short dresses and no longer obsessing about her weight. Losing weight effectively is one of his goals for the summer. And she believes it, hard as iron. This time, weight loss is coming soon!

Do you recognize yourself? Are you too, like Julie, tired of being overweight? You don’t know what to do to lose weight effectively ? Don’t panic: here are our 11 tips for losing weight without deprivation or frustration and above all… without dieting!

11 tips for losing weight effectively and sustainably

If you are like Julie, forget the “miracle” recipes and the promises of weight loss diets. You won’t gain anything from it, and you even risk gaining weight again. “It’s simple, go on a diet! », quips Jean-Philippe Zermati, nutritionist. To lose weight sustainably , any restrictive diet should be avoided. This is confirmed by a serious study by ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety).

So, what method should you adopt? It is a question of no longer imposing deprivations on oneself, because they irremediably lead to failure in the medium term. The key to losing weight effectively is towork on your eating behavior. How ? By adopting the right reflexes to find a peaceful relationship with your food. The essential point is to trust your eating sensations, that is to say, to eat essentially… when you are hungry!

Easy in theory, but tricky in practice. Knowing how to identify your “good hunger” is important for eating with pleasure and according to your needs. Because, if you don’t wait until you’re hungry to sit down to eat, you won’t feel full either, the moment when you lose the pleasure of eating and therefore stop spontaneously.

A first satiation, called gustatory satiation, or specific sensory satiation, indicates that we no longer have an appetite for the food we are eating. The food then no longer brings pleasure in the mouth. We can then still want to eat, but something else.

We therefore move on to another desired food, that is to say in a meal, to the next dish. Then comes the moment of overall satiation, where we feel sufficiently full, with the feeling that we will no longer be hungry before the next meal. We then stop eating without the slightest frustration, even if some food still remains on our plate.

On the other hand, stop giving yourself unattainable goals. Let your weight drift back to the balance weight, the weight your body is programmed for, and don’t attempt to lose more weight than that. Wanting to be thinner than your nature dictates exposes you to having to endure perpetual hunger, to having to constantly fight against yourself. Is this really what you want?

Finally, do a “health” check-up to determine the factors that could be the cause of your excess weight, because diet is not always the only one to blame. It can also come from sleep disorders, hormonal problems, diabetes, psychological and emotional problems.

To Lose Weight Effectively, Eat Mindfully

What if eating mindfully was the key to effective weight loss? This is how we can understand a study carried out between 2008 and 2013 on 60,000 Japanese suffering from type 2 diabetes, a pathology often linked to being overweight. According to researchers from Kyushu University in Japan “changes in the speed at which we eat can lead to changes in obesity, BMI (body mass index) and waist circumference.”

In fact, in our opinion, it all depends on how we reduce the speed of ingestion. Everything changes when we don’t focus on speed, but on paying attention to eating sensations, that is to say when we start eating in the mode of tasting. In this case, of course, we eat for pleasure, and much more slowly. We then have the possibility of identifying the signals of satiation, the moment when eating ceases to be pleasant.

It is usually considered that it takes around twenty minutes to be able to correctly feel these signals. This is therefore the average time that you will have to give to your meal to be completely satisfied, and of course to enjoy this meal.

Eat in a calm and zen environment to lose weight effectively

Eating your meals in a quiet place is conducive to better concentration as well as a better perception of what you have on your plate. It’s hard not to let yourself be overwhelmed by eating compulsions when work colleagues are bustling around you or when you’re in front of your television which “spits” heady sounds. So, change course!

Go and have lunch in a park or on a bench in the company of a colleague or a friend, give yourself a real break away from the hustle and bustle by isolating yourself in a quiet little corner. Eat with your family, in a peaceful atmosphere. Because of course, eating in peace does not mean eating alone in your corner, as if you were being punished. Rather, it means having a good time feeding. This way, you can respond to your eating sensations and avoid getting too distracted. Because “distraction”, the absence of attention, automatically leads to eating more, well beyond the body’s needs and therefore to weight gain.

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