12 Habits for Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Losing weight is not very difficult: you just need to follow the latest fashionable diet for a few weeks to see the pounds fly away. At least, that’s what we think. Every week, the scale shows a few kilos less. Everybody is happy ! But what many people don’t know is that in the early stages of a diet, the pounds lost correspond to water loss. This water loss is not serious, but it distorts perception. Another important point: most diets are based on reducing calorie intake and the calories consumed are often empty calories. Calories with no nutritional value. When you think about it, does this seem reasonable?

Can we really function well when we lack nutrients?

In short, after a period of weight loss thanks to the XYZ diet, the yoyo effect counterattacks. Weight loss becomes slower and slower and then stops. After a certain time, the needles of the scale indicate a gain of a few kilos. This yoyo effect affects many people. In many cases, we even gain back more pounds than we lost.

In addition to being a source of emotional distress, the yo-yo effect is very bad for your health. Research has shown that it is less bad to have a weight that is too high but stable than to expose your body to this famous yo-yo effect.

Our brain is programmed. Of course we think we have total control over all our actions, but that is far from the case. To cite an example: our brain is programmed to eat when stressed. It’s rarely a matter of choice.. But the opposite is happening: stress takes hold of you. You are the victim.

Even today, many people who start a diet think that it is about depriving themselves. The results are often very good at first, but despite your best efforts, sooner or later you end up eating something you didn’t plan to eat. You regret it afterwards, but the damage is done: you have failed. Frightened of being rejected by those around you and seized with shame, you isolate yourself and no longer talk about it. The stress that follows causes you to seek solace in food. Result: The lost pounds come back at a gallop and you find yourself back at square one.

I know it: how can you not get frustrated and stay motivated in times like this? That said, don’t give up! In practice, overcoming the yo-yo effect and losing weight sustainably is much simpler than you think. The secret ? Be consistent, but allow yourself to make mistakes from time to time. It’s about putting in place an effective and sustainable diet.

To help you achieve this goal, I would like to share twelve valuable tips with you. 12 habits to adopt one by one in order to lose weight sustainably, without the yo-yo effect:

Are You Making These Avoidable Mistakes That Are Slowing Weight Loss?

Put all your diet books in a big box and forget about them. Believe me: following all kinds of murderous dissociated diets makes no sense. As we have seen, you will see some results in the early stages, but it is a fluid loss. You won’t actually lose weight because your body will protest and go into “survival mode.” That is, your body will store even more fat from the carbohydrates and sugars you consume in response to this crisis situation. Your diet being insufficient, your body makes reserves for later. Result: The pounds come back at a gallop. Such diets are absurd, nothing more, nothing less.

On the contrary, you need to eat more, but adopt a healthy and varied diet. This is the key to lasting weight loss, slowly but surely!

By the way, “eat more” doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want all day. As with many things in life, it’s about being in moderation…

Tip for lasting weight loss #1: Eat foods rich in fiber

To lose weight sustainably and healthily, it is essential to consume foods rich in fiber. Fiber aids digestion, which, among other things, allows the body to get rid of toxins more quickly and efficiently. The fewer toxins you have in your body, the better your body will function.

In addition, fiber has the advantage of providing greater and longer-lasting satiety. They lead you to eat less but the foods you eat are of much better quality and provide many more good nutrients. So stop eating white bread and replace it with wholemeal bread. This also applies to pasta and rice. Additionally, don’t forget to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are full of health benefits.

Tip for lasting weight loss #2: Think about breakfast

Many people skip breakfast under the pretext of not having time or that skipping breakfast helps them eat less and therefore lose weight. But both of these excuses are absurd. Never eating in the mornings will not give you the benefits of intermittent fasting . As for time, just set your alarm for 15 minutes later. Skipping breakfast to lose weight?. Eating breakfast sends the signal to the digestive system that it needs to “wake up”. Additionally, you’ll burn more energy throughout the day if you start with a good breakfast. Best of all, you will be less tempted

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