Can a care assistant provide care to the elderly?

provide care to the elderly

You wonder if acarerCan Senior Compagnie provide care for the elderly? This article explains the role of alife assistantandhome nursing services(SSIAD).

What is the role of an SSIAD?

THEHome Nursing Serviceshave the mission to providea home-helpto people experiencing loss of autonomy. The interventions thus make it possible toprevent loss of autonomyviaadapted care servicesto the needs of each person. The SSIADs can also intervene preventively in order toavoid hospitalizationand ordelay entry into an establishmentaccommodation (retirement home, EHPAD, independent residence, etc.). Home Nursing Services also providesocial linkessential to limit the isolation of the person being helped

Care provided by an SSIAD

Made up of a team ofnursesand D’caregivers, THESSIADoffers different types of services to ensure that elderly people and/or people with disabilities are kept at home:

Of thenursing actionslike the distribution ofdrugs, the change ofdressings, the realization of ablood sampleor ainjectionsubcutaneous.

THEHome Nursing Servicescan be supplemented by provide care to the elderly the intervention of other health professionals such asdoctors, THEphysiotherapists, THEoccupational therapistswhere thechiropodists-podiatrists.

People affected by an SSIAD

To benefit from an SSIAD, you must have amedical certificateattesting to the need for assistance in theessential acts of life. Additionally, you must meet certain conditions:

What is the difference between SSIAD and home help?

Distinguishing between SSIAD (Home Nursing Services) and home help is essential if you want to take care of your parent. If these two services are intended to provide valuable help to the elderly and relieve family caregivers on a daily basis, their specificities distinguish them and can also make them complementary.

Medical care and daily support

The SSIAD is resolutely focused onmedical careof the person, while home help focuses onsocial linkmore important than ever between the person being cared for and the carer. If your parent requiresmedical care, it is nurses, caregivers and even occupational therapists who intervene. As part of help with daily tasks, aassistance with everyday activitiesor support outside the home, it is the social worker who takes over.

Complete support

The collaboration of these two services should make it possible to providecomprehensive help for people in a situation of dependency. Depending on your parent’s needs, the intervention of home nursing services and home help services can be coordinated in order toguarantee continuityin caring for your loved one who is losing their independence.

How to choose home help for an elderly person?

Before taking any steps, you mustanalyze and understand the needs of your elderly loved one. The consultation with your attending physician will allow you to evaluate and make a diagnosis on thedisabilityor theAutonomy lossof your parent in order to put in place the most appropriate help. The aim is also tofind a SSIADor ahome helpwhich intervenes in the area where the elderly person lives. When leaving hospital, a medical prescription is sufficient to specify that home care is considered necessary and essential for the well-being of the person.

Rates and cost of home care for an SSIAD

If it is important to take into accountexpenses related to home help services, the cost of SSIAD (Home Nursing Services) services is not your responsibility or the responsibility of your parent. If you plan to set up home nursing care, theHealth Insuranceensures a100% supportand you don’t even haveno need to advance feesor request complementary health insurance. However, certain procedures and treatments remain paid on a per-service basis and are not necessarily taken into account by health insurance, such as physiotherapy, excess fees, whatever the procedures, certain medications FOR SENIORS

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